Kamingespräch mit Prof. John Lennox in Wien

Neben seiner Karriere als Mathematikprofessor und Wissenschaftstheoretiker an der Universität Oxford wurde John Lennox vor allem durch seine auf youtube hunderttausendfach gesehenen Diskussionen mit führenden Atheisten wie Richard Dawkins, Peter Singer, Christopher Hitchens u.a. bekannt, in denen er die Glaubwürdigkeit seiner christlichen Überzeugung verteidigte.

Außerdem ist er Autor zahlreicher Bücher, die auch auf Deutsch erschienen sind, wie z.B. ‚Hat die Wissenschaft Gott begraben?‘ und ‚Sieben Tage, das Universum und Gott‘.

Beim Kamingespräch wird John in einem Interview aus seinem Leben als Wissenschaftler, Schriftsteller und Teilnehmer an weltweit beachteten Diskussionen erzählen.

David Wood | Why I Am a Christian

David Wood tells his powerful story of how he became a Christian. Here’s his video explaining why he left atheism and dedicated his life to Jesus.
Length: 35min

David Wood (born April 7, 1976) is an American evangelical missionary, Christian apologist and polemicist. He is currently head of the Acts 17 Apologetics Ministry. He is a member of the Society of Christian Philosophers and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. Wood has stated that he was an atheist in his youth, during which he had run-ins with the law by breaking into homes and later going as far as attempting to take his father’s life at the age of 18, claiming a belief that morality was merely societal rules that were beneath him.

Wikipedia: David Wood

Eric Metaxas – I Am Second

Length: 12 minutes

Eric Metaxas shares his story on “I am second”

Eric Metaxas (born 1963) is an American author, speaker, and radio host. He is known for three biographies, Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery about William Wilberforce [2013] and Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy about Dietrich Bonhoeffer [2011]. “Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World” about Martin Luther [2017]. He has also written humor, children’s books, and scripts for VeggieTales. Metaxas is the founder and host of the NYC-based event series, “Socrates in the City: Conversations on the Examined Life” and the host of the nationally syndicated radio program, The Eric Metaxas Show.

Wikipedia: Eric Metaxas

C.S. Lewis about why he believes in Christianity

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

Ich glaube an das Christentum, so wie ich daran glaube, dass die Sonne aufgegangen ist: nicht nur, weil ich sie sehe, sondern weil ich durch sie alles andere sehe.

― C.S. Lewis

Christianity Today Article: Wesley So | world’s elite chess player

On the small planet where elite chess players dwell, very few people worship Jesus Christ. If anyone discovers that you’re one of those “superstitious,” “narrow-minded idiots,” you’re likely to see nasty comments accumulate on your Facebook fan page. On a regular basis, I receive emails from strangers lecturing me about the dangers of following Jesus. Out of pity or disgust, they wonder how I, the world’s second-ranked chess player, can be so “weak-minded.”

_Wesley So

Continue reading here:

Christianity Today Article: I’m a Rare Breed: An Elite Chess Player Who’s Open About His Faith

Wikipedia: Wesley So